Welcome to the official website of Serbian Toronto Television!

Season 11 has officially started!

Thank you for our viewers for your continued support over the last 11 years. We certainly couldn’t have done it without you.

Serbian Toronto Television is the voice and vision of the Serbian community in Canada and aims to promote Serbian heritage in Toronto and across Canada.

Serbian Toronto Television broadcasts and produces original, high quality Serbian television programming through television and the internet on a weekly basis. Serbian Toronto Television covers various Serbian events as part of its entertainment, cultural and documentary programming, originally broadcast on OMNI Television in High Definition (HD) format with stereo and 5.1 digital audio.

Serbian Toronto Television was launched across Canada on October 11, 2014 at 6:30pm EST on OMNI Television and continues to air regularly each Sunday at 7pm EST. Each episode of Serbian Toronto Television showcases success stories of individuals who have made significant contributions to the Serbian community, as well as reports on topics that are reflective of Canada’s Serbian communities across Canada. Hosted by Miljana Ristic, Serbian Toronto Television has instantly become a popular Serbian television show across Canada. We hope you enjoy our show and we look forward to you joining us every week on OMNI Television.

For any events, ideas, suggestions and comments, as well as advertising on our show, please contact us at: info@serbiantoronto.tv